Flex cannot find the Java Juice

8 02 2008

Well, strangely I was having troubles using the Flex command-line compilers… They couldn’t find the JRE.

First I got the following errors:

Error: Could not find JRE.

Error: Could not find Java Runtime Environment. 

Then, after learning I needed the Environment variable (My Computer > Properties > Advanced) JAVA_HOME set to my JRE path, i used

C:\program files\adobe\flex builder 3\jre\bin

No juice. I got an error

Error: could not find a JVM.

Dammit – I can’t win.

Then I found a blog stating to change backslashes to forward slashes on Windows.


Still giving me the JVM error. Huh.

Take off the “bin” folder? Solved.

Final Soln: Enviroment Variable

JAVA_HOME= c:/program files/adobe/flex builder 3/jre